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1 alf = 1 UAH
  REGISTRATION. STEP 2. Registration information
1. Login and password
Sponsor login: *
Login: * 3 - 50 Symbols (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _,without spaces)
Password *
Repeat password: * 8 - 20 Symbols (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, without spaces)
E-mail: * youmail@mail.server
2. Personal information
Name: *
Midle name:
Last name: *
Gender: *
Birthday: * . . Please type you birthday date in format Where dd - day (from 0 to 31), mm - month (from 1 to 12), yyyy - year (1901 - current year)
Country: *
City / population aggregate: *
Address: * Fill your address
Phone: Type your contact phone in this field
3. Security Code
Security Code: *
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